Wellness Competencies Academy
Course overview

Diversity Inclusion and Interpersonal Well-being™

There has never been a better time to develop your skills around diversity and inclusion. The global pandemic has highlighted the need for more diversity inclusion in all areas of life. Diversity ensures that we represent the various people groups in society and inclusion ensures that the representation is fully integrated in all levels of leadership.

This DIIW certificate explores diversity inclusion with specific emphasis on gender, and racial diversity, making a connection between diversity and well-being, diversity conflict management and how to enhance interpersonal relationship to optimize performance and well-being of teams and groups.

Each DIIW certificate is made up of seven courses. Each course consists of 4 learning units to be delivered over four weeks focusing on one topic area outlined below. The course will offer one 60-minute introductory session with the instructor in an online classroom, supplemented by, e-learning video lectures, reading, multiple choice quizzes, and asynchronous learning discussion groups.

Write your awesome label here.
Courses included

Diversity Inclusion and Interpersonal Well-being™

Each DIIW certificate is made up of seven courses. Each course consists of 4 learning units to be delivered over four weeks focusing on one topic area outlined below. The course will offer one 60-minute introductory session with the instructor in an online classroom, supplemented by, e-learning video lectures, reading, multiple choice quizzes, and asynchronous learning discussion groups.
Courses included

Diversity Inclusion and Interpersonal Well-being™

Each DIIW certificate is made up of seven courses. Each course consists of 4 learning units to be delivered over four weeks focusing on one topic area outlined below. The course will offer one 60-minute introductory session with the instructor in an online classroom, supplemented by, e-learning video lectures, reading, multiple choice quizzes, and asynchronous learning discussion groups.

A fully integrated program

Our students tell us this course has been very impactful.

Dr. Ben Akoh is an experienced Organizational
Development Consultant with expertise in culture, diversity
and equity, having worked in academia, developing and
delivering courses in leadership with a specific focus on
culture, technology, diversity, equity and inclusion.
Dr. Ben Akoh
Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Speaker, Author, Thought Leader and the world’s leading mind on
Interpersonal Wellness Competency Mindset. Joyce is President of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., Founder of Coach Velocity School of Coaching, the only Black
owned coaching school in Canada. Founder of the Global Workplace Wellness Summit, Canada’s premiere
conference on diversity and well-being with a global reach
Joyce Odidison
Dr. Mamadou Ka is a Public Speaker and Consultant in the field of Diversity Management and Education. Mamadou holds a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership and Diversity Management from Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (BC). He is a consultant in Cross-cultural and diversity management.
DR. Mamadou Ka