Wellness Competencies Academy

Develop Well-being Intelligence at Work

Burnout, stress, and overwhelm are depleting the mental health of many employees at work today and will continue into the future. It's time to change our approach!

Learn how the steps for develop well-being intelligence in your workplace, with coaching clients, or to add a wellness element to your business.
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What you will learn in this webinar

  • Powerful wellness system
  • Wellness competency curriculum
  • Corporate wellness alignment
  • 45 minute video
  • 1 PDF

Innovative Wellness System

You will learn how to develop, organize and implement a wellness system in your workplace.

  • How this wellness concept is being applied in communities.

Wellness Economy

You will also learn how to put the ideas presented into your business or workplace wellness strategy.

The research that went into developing the wellness competency curriculum.

Joyce Odidison, MA, MCC, CDTD.

Author, Coach, Conflict Analyst, Thought Leader
Joyce Odidison is a true pioneer in the world of workplace wellness training and coaching. With over 26 years of experience as a Master Certified Coach, Conflict Analyst, and Professional Trainer, Joyce has dedicated her career to helping teams and organizations improve their interpersonal dynamics and achieve well-being intelligence at work, to fuel high performance. As the President & CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., Founder of the Global Workplace Wellness Summit, and What's Happening at Work podcast, As Thought Leader of the wellness competency curriculum, she continues to create new tools such as Inclusive wellness and diversity and well-being to foster emotional and mental health at work.