Wellness Competencies Academy

Building Trust in Leadership Coaching Relationships RL3

Building relationships is a key element of successful leadership. Learn to develop or enhance your relationships to have more influence and impact with those you lead.
  • Duration

    6 hours
  • Tools

  • Learners

  • Video

    3 hours
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Course reviews

Joyce Odidison
Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Speaker, Author, Coach, thought leader, and the world’s leading expert on Interpersonal Wellness Competency Teaching. She is President & CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc. for 24 years, Founder and Director of Coach Velocity School of Coaching, and Founder of the Global Workplace Wellness Summit, happening November of each year. Joyce is a C-Suite level workplace wellness expert working with governments, private sector, non-profits, and post-secondary institutions struggling with difficult work relationships, diversity and inclusion conflicts, discrimination, bullying, harassment, or other stressful interpersonal situations. Joyce is an expert in her field, author of five books, a keynote speaker, and corporate trainer. Joyce is also a frequent TV guest expert who has been featured in print and online magazines around the world.