Course catalogue

All our courses in one place

We provide professional development courses and pathways leading to coach and workplace wellness certifications, as well as personal and career development opportunities for students and professionals.
Please sign-up to take a free or paid course.
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Open a whole world of education

Online certifications

We are changing the way you do professional development by under pinning a well-being concept to everything we teach so you can work well, live well and play well.

Learn new skills

Learn the skills you need to make your career more enjoyable, while you excel. These courses are fully accessible by anyone with an internet connection, on any platform as well as smart phones.
Write your awesome label here.

Learn at your own pace

As a mid-career professional, you can learn at your own pace, while having the support of an instructor who can answer questions and provide assistance as needed.

Expert instructors

Our courses are for professionals who really want to gain knowledge, skills, tools, and strategies to improve their personal lives and careers. Our instructors are experienced, qualified, certified, and the courses are thorough and comprehensive. 

Check out our courses