Wellness Competency Academy

Get access to high level courses

Looking for easy to follow and apply courses for leadership development, coaching, workplace wellness and resilience? 

Whether you need professional development, recertification credits for human resources such as SHRM, coaching credits from ICF, or with another professional organization, you came to the right place.
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Our e-courses are the best choice for learning professionals

We offer outstanding features for highly customizable Courses, Units, Lessons, and Quizzes.

Most courses offer blended learning capabilities such as a live e-class, lectures, group demonstrations, video support or coachi

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Enjoy flexibility and variety of payment options to easily purchase and take a course..

Highly Engaging courses

Outstanding Video, Activities, Lessons, and Quizzes.

24/7 Support with Live Chat

Use the Live Chat to receive swift and helpful support.

For Coaches

Support offline education with breakthrough online instruction.

Core Features

Awesome features and agile usability for online education.

Video Conferencing

Enhance your virtual programs by allowing your learners to access high-quality live sessions.


Success rate


Years of experience



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